How to Keep a Large Video Meeting Productive

Have you ever been to a company-wide video meeting where productivity went flying out the window? From side conversations to unnecessary topics, video meetings with 20+ people can be quite unproductive, if not handled properly. To keep your team on track during your next video meeting, use these tips:

1. Invite the Right Team Members

Rather than inviting every person in the company, only invite those who need to hear the information or take action on respective agenda items. This will limit the number of individuals in the video call and reduce the chance of unproductive conversations or multitasking.

2. Create and Distribute an Agenda

Providing attendees an agenda will allow them to review meeting items and prepare any necessary materials. Plus, it creates a structure for your meeting that everyone will follow.

Do your best to deliver the agenda at least the day before a scheduled meeting. This will give participants ample time to prepare.

3. Use Meeting Tools to Your Advantage

Video conferencing tools provide meeting hosts with a variety of features. From chat functions to the ability to mute specific attendees, these tools are designed to streamline meetings and improve productivity.

Take a look at the features available in your video conferencing software and determine how they can help your meeting flow.

4. Set a Defined End Time

While meeting calendar invites may say the meeting is only supposed to last 30 minutes, how often is this the case? To ensure that your session remains productive, set — and communicate — a defined meeting end time. Doing so also ensures that your agenda doesn’t include extraneous items or conversations.

5. Assign a Meeting Facilitator

Assigning a meeting facilitator is an excellent way to keep discussion topics on track and within the allocated time limits. While the facilitator could also be the meeting organizer, it’s best to assign another employee so that one individual isn’t responsible for handling all aspects of the meeting.

6. Organize Participation

Receiving feedback from participants in a 20+ person meeting can be tricky. Instead of opening up the floor to communication chaos, organize participation in advance.

When you distribute the agenda, let employees know they can request to speak on a certain item in advance. In addition, allow meeting participants to submit questions before a meeting. This allows you to schedule enough time for participation before the meeting and ensures you answer burning questions.

Also, video conferencing tools enable participants to chat to the group. Use this tool to guide conversations wisely, as well.

7. Use Your Webcam

Turning on your webcam holds you you accountable during a meeting. With large meetings it can be easy to tune out and start multi-tasking. When you are on video, your team can see if you’re really listening and actively engaged.